Then, you will see the Lost Sector sign on the wall near stairs heading toward a red door. Cut across the room, and continue through the corridors, making sure not to go outside. You will have to go to the Public Event area. Instead of taking jump to the higher levels, walk to the railing and look over the edge, the Lost Sector is located down on the lower level. Using the Fast Travel point, run to the left toward the Orange “Bay 3” section. The entrance to the Lost Sector is through a circular door. From the Fast Travel point near Sloane, you will have to turn left to face the Arcology, then jump down to the closest platform, making sure to land on its lower boardwalk that concludes around its side. Owing to its multi level structure of the Titan Patrol space, you might face a little bit difficulty to find. There are merely three Lost Sectors in Titan, with one is located in the Siren’s Watch and other two are in The Rig.

Cavern of Souls – The Sludge, in the center of the area.Hallowed Grave – The Sludge, in the northwest side of the area.Flooded Chasm – The Gulch, the south of the area, feeds through to the Outskirts.The Quarry – Sunken Isles, in the center of the area.Skydock IV – Sunken Isles, below the Cabal ship.The Pit – Firebase Hades, below the Firebase.Excavation Site XII – Firebase Hades, on the eastern cliffs.Pathfinder’s Crash – Firebase Hades, on the south cliffs.The Weep – Winding Cove, right near the fast travel point.Whispered Falls – Outskirts, up in the trees in the northwest.The Drain – Outskirts, along the water’s edge.Scavenger’s Den – Outskirts, south of the Public Event space, below the bridge.Widow’s Walk – Trostland, left of the chapel.Atrium – In Trostland, inside the chapel.

Terminus East – Found in Trostland, outside the chapel.When you look at the above image, you will have an idea of where all the EDZ Lost Sectors are located. The European Dead Zone (EDZ) are said to have the largest playable area and the most zones with Lost Sectors.